E-liquide CBD Super Skank – 10ml

> SKU: N/A



The Super Skank is an e-liquid for electronic cigarette manufactured in France .

To use it, simply pour a few drops into your dripper or fill your reservoir with the glass pipette. It is also possible to add a few drops to your favorite DIY or e-liquids so that they have a CBD content. It is still important to follow the dosing information below.

NB: CBD or cannabidiol is a molecule extracted from hemp that has relaxing and destressing properties. However, it is important to specify that CBD is different from THC since it does not have psychoactive effects but only anxiolytic effects. It also does not create addictive effects to its user.

Dosage information :

It’s important to understand that the dosage also adapts to your equipment. Indeed, the more your electronic cigarette produces steam and vaporizes e-liquid, the lower the dosage must be.

  • For low dosages below 150mg per 10ml, it is recommended to vaporize it in a punctual way (small sessions) and over time (in several sessions) to obtain effects and in particular relaxation effects.
  • For average dosages between 150 and 300mg per 10ml, the effects will be more marked, so it is recommended to go gradually and to space out the intakes.
  • For high dosages above 500mg per 10ml, the e-liquid must be diluted with a neutral, non-nicotine base and must not be consumed in the same container as the liquid.