E-Liquide CBD 500mg (10ml)

> SKU: N/A

5% cannabidiol



Product details
For vaping, do not ingest!
E-Liquid CBD 500mg Full Spectrum or full spectrum is obtained only with hemp extract and not from hemp seeds or other compounds!

If you want to enjoy the effects and aromas of CBD while vaping, this e-liquid is perfect for you.

Ideal for relaxing after a busy day.

In addition, our products are made without any addition of terpenes or CBD * crystals.

Consult our quality charter to find out about CBD Shop France’s commitments on this subject!

E-Liquid CBD Shop France 500 mg, made in France in Cannes
500 mg of CBD, Full Spectrum
Capacity: 10 ml
Product guaranteed WITHOUT AROMA and NO NICOTINE
Product guaranteed WITHOUT CBD CRYSTALS


Raw hemp extract (Concentration: 500 mg of CBD), Propylene Glycol: 80%, Vegetable glycerin: 20%

Use :

The CBD 500mg e-liquid can be consumed pure or mixed with another product with aroma because it has a neutral taste. CBD and nicotine having opposite effects, it is better to favor a product without nicotine